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Fleet Safety

Prevent Distracted Driving in Fleets

Photo of a lighted road at night

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and there’s little argument that distracted driving is one of the fastest-growing threats to road safety in the United States. According to the National Safety Council “Even though traffic has dropped significantly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our roads have only gotten more dangerous. On a typical day, more than 700 people are still injured in distracted driving crashes.”

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is anything that inhibits a driver from paying full attention to the task of driving, or inhibits them from being fully engaged to adequately respond to changes in the driving environment. These behaviors include instances when a driver is looking down or away from the road ahead for a period of time long enough to lose situational awareness of the forward driving scene like: 

  • Drowsy driving
  • Talking on a cell phone
  • Texting
  • Eating
  • Smoking
  • Using a tablet
  • Reading paperwork
  • Programming an in-vehicle infotainment system

Distracted Driving Facts

A recent study conducted by Nauto shows that AI-powered in-vehicle driver alert technology can significantly reduce distracted driving events across all driver and fleet types by 84% and 67% respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness of a proactive, real-time driver and fleet safety solution in the vehicle.

How Nauto Can Help End Distracted Driving in Your Fleet

At Nauto, we treat every month like Distracted Driving Awareness Month, because we are committed to helping commercial fleets end distracted driving and save lives! Nauto’s Driver and Fleet Safety Platform is the only solution that deploys AI in the vehicle to continuously capture and analyze sensor data from driver behaviors, exterior hazards, and vehicle movement in real-time. By fusing data from an array of sensors in real-time and comparing against insights derived from over a billion AI-analyzed video miles and billions of telemetry data points, Nauto can instantly advise drivers to take action and prevent collisions before they happen, not after. To effectively reduce fleet driving risk, it is necessary to capture critical, risky driving behaviors in real-time, understand those behaviors in the context of the situation on the road, and automatically alert drivers to impact driving behavior. 

Download Reduce Distracted Driving with Real-Time AI Whitepaper for full insights into the Nauto distracted driving study.

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