Today we’re excited to announce the addition of Tailgating Events & In-Vehicle Alerts to our growing suite of real-time, high-risk event detection capabilities to equip fleets with the most comprehensive artificial intelligence (AI)-powered, end-to-end driver coaching solution:
- Automated Coaching: Coach drivers when it matters most with In-Vehicle Alerts to successfully modify behavior with automated real-time alerts
- Advanced Coaching: Access Tailgating Events & Insights from Nauto’s Fleet Safety App to enable effective driver coaching sessions after the event has occurred
- Self Coaching: Equip drivers with a self-guided coaching mobile application to view their own Tailgating Events by trip with Nauto Driver
Why Tailgating?
In 2016, 47% of all motor vehicle collisions in transport were rear-end collisions, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Many of these incidents could have been avoided if drivers practiced less aggressive driving behavior and maintained safe following distance from the vehicle ahead.
Deploying AI-on-the-Edge to Deliver Real Safety Impact
Our easy-to-install Nauto Device is embedded with computer vision and proprietary machine learning algorithms. This enables Nauto to detect high-risk behaviors in real-time and immediately coach drivers with automated In-Vehicle Alerts. In 2018, we started with In-Vehicle Alerts for Distracted Driving and have since helped fleets across industries reduce distracted driving by over 50%. Now, we’ve extended our machine learning algorithms to road-facing camera to power our new Tailgating feature. The AI algorithms embedded in the Nauto device use sensor fusion to identify and measure the distance from the vehicle directly ahead of drivers. With the calculated distance and real-time speed data, the algorithm dynamically calculates time to headway, or the time interval for two vehicles to pass the same reference point. Based on the calculated time to headway, the Nauto Device sends an automated In-Vehicle Alert to motivate the driver to maintain a safer following distance.

Expanding Fleet and Driver Safety Insights
In addition to coaching the driver in real-time with In-Vehicle Alerts, the Nauto Device automatically uploads the event for fleet managers to view in Nauto’s Fleet Safety Application. To provide fleet managers with actionable insights, tailgating behaviors are incorporated into a fleet’s Visually Enhanced Risk Assessment, or VERA Score™. This proprietary score enables fleet managers to manage their fleet safety where it matters most and quickly identify coachable opportunities.
We are continuing to revolutionize fleet safety technologies with our advanced sensor fusion capabilities that combine real-time driving risks inside the vehicle and on the road ahead. Stay tuned to this space for more exciting announcements as we expand our In-Vehicle Alert capabilities for commercial fleets later this year. If you’re interested in learning how Nauto can help you identify and coach high-risk driving in real-time, contact us today!