At Nauto, customers are at the center of our product enhancements. We are constantly looking to enhance the customer experience. There is a need for a simplified, action-oriented Home page in the Nauto Fleet Application which lets the customer quickly understand how they’re doing in driver safety and has a clear call to action and identifies the key actions to focus on. In addition, the need for a dedicated location to dive deeper into business insights grows with the increase of data.
With that in mind, we are introducing the new Home and Insights pages in the Nauto Fleet Application. Want to see a list of tasks to complete or ranking among peer groups — it’s all there. On the new Home page you can see:
- Current risk score (VERA Score®) and the corresponding status (Excellent, Average or Poor)
- Ranking among peer groups
- Tasks to complete
- Insights
The simple and clear elements allow customers to get in and out of the application as efficiently as possible.
We have also moved some of the loved safety insights and risk event insights from the former Home page to a dedicated page called Insights. Stay tuned for additional exciting enhancements to the Insights dashboard — scorecards, trends, and leaderboards.
Welcome to the new Home and Insights pages and enjoy the enhanced customer experience!

What’s next?
At Nauto, we’re always striving to reduce collisions, improve fleet performance, and save lives. With our AI data and customer feedback in mind, we will continue to make innovations and provide first-to-market solutions for the most effective and comprehensive fleet and driver safety platform. Learn more.