To commemorate Distracted Driving Awareness this month, Nauto’s Founder and CEO, Stefan Heck, had the opportunity to chat with a very special guest, Fletcher Cleaves, a courageous human being who has channeled his personal heartbreak into a story of resilience and inspiration to help solve one of the top causes of harm and risk today. Distracted drivers are everywhere, and the trend is getting worse. However, what is often lost in the shadow of reports and data is the human tragedy behind each collision and the rippling effect on loved ones.
Just as Fletcher was beginning his college football career, a single glance down by a distracted driver changed his life forever and profoundly impacted the lives of Fletcher’s family, close friends, and community. This devastating moment was preventable.
In this 30-minute video, Nauto and Fletcher discuss their common cause: putting an end to distracted driving. 2020 saw the highest year over year increase in the rate of death from motor vehicle crashes in the last 96 years. As driver inattentiveness skyrockets, so does the frequency of severe collisions. As Fletcher explains, awareness of driving habits and just how long a glance at a device really takes - and the distance traveled while that distraction occured - can be shocking, even to people that consider themselves “safe drivers.”
Fletcher has appeared on ESPN's "College GameDay" and "SportsCenter" among other shows, ESPN radio, and was also featured in a short film as part of the AT&T "ItCanWait" campaign. Fletcher speaks regularly to teenagers about the dangers of distracted driving and his Safe Driving advocacy work through his non-profit organization, The Sky Is NOT the Limit, which provides support to communities through acts of service, motivational speaking, fundraising campaigns & events, and advocacy for safe driving.
We hope you find Fletcher’s story and insights as compelling as we do. Watch the video here.